Ground Floor Foyer
Ground Floor Foyer
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  • Surface Area: 450 m²
  • Length: 35,6 m
  • Width: 10,5 m
  • Height: 11 m

Ground Floor Foyer

The large foyer on the ground floor oftentimes serves as a reception area and break room. Smaller evening functions also enjoy utilizing this appealing room. Its unique visual appearance is characterized by a large window facade, loden paneling, and the art project “Netzwerk” by Hans Kupelwieser. Combined with the in-house lighting engineering, this room can be given a very special ambience. The favourable location in between the main entrance and the “Schladming” hall offers the ideal position for exhibitors to showcase their products in the best possible light.

Seating optionsGround Floor Foyer
Reception max. 400 persons
Parlament max. 200 persons
Theatre max. 300 persons
U-Shape max. 60 persons
Bankett max. 250 persons
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